Capture Solution Server - CAMA Edition
Capture CAMA is a system solution used to increase the efficiency of the appraisal, assessment, collections, and mapping processes. Capture CAMA provides a location for all information concerning a parcel of land that may be accessed by applicable appraisers, assessors, collectors, and mappers. This centralization of location increases convenience by decreasing repetitive data entry and allows for paperless trips to the site, other offices, etc. In addition, it allows for seamless communication between departments. Capture CAMA is Web-based and ties into the county's GIS system, allowing the user to produce maps, reference geographical locations, sketch improvements, and automatically calculate taxes.
Using Online Help
Capture's integrated online help system is designed to help get the user up and running quickly. This section gives the user information on how to use Capture's online help. Navigation tools are provided along the left and top bar of the help and enable the user to read the help as if it were a book, look for indexed content, or browse through related pages.
Help topics are grouped by major tasks. Each major topic breaks down into a list of smaller topics concentrating on specific features and tasks.
If the user is still unable to find the help needed, refer to the Search or Index features. The Index presents a list of keywords with links to related information, similar to the index in a printed book. The Search feature searches for all instances of a word specified within the help system and displays a list of topics containing that word.
Note: The features accessible in each user's login will depend on the user's privileges. In addition, this guide is constantly evolving as new modules are created and updated. Help topics will be updated to accommodate any changes. |
Parcel Information: Provides useful information on how to understand Capture's Dashboards, including information about Land, Buildings, Miscellaneous Improvements, etc.
Accessing Information: Shows how to search for parcels and get to information related to the parcels, including special screens and tabs.
Single Parcel Edits: Gives instructions on how to access the screens and how to Add, Edit, and Delete certain information.
Workflows: Each Workflow section will present a topic, definition, and how to process the given topic in Capture.
Quick Helps: These pages are mini tutorials that give step by step instructions on how to perform various functions in Capture CAMA.
The Capture online help system provides several options for navigation: the table of contents, browse buttons, the default navigation buttons on your internet browser, and text links.
The Table of Contents is displayed on the left-side of the help window. Section headings are easily scannable to allow users to quickly find a specific section, much like a printed book. Simply click on the desired text to expand and collapse the individual chapters.
Selecting the X in the top right corner closes the Table of Contents. It can be brought up again by selecting the Contents button located in the top left corner of the page.
Clicking the text of a blue hyperlink takes the user to a related page within the help.
When the user encounters a green hyperlink, the text clicked displays an image and/or information applicable to the topic currently being viewed.
To view the current location on a page, look in the upper left hand corner of the screen, there is a horizontal line of links, called breadcrumbs, that take the user back to each previous page.
When a yellow box with text appears on a page, the information is being highlighted as especially important. Do take note of these boxes because they provide valuable information.
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